Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Steam Boats.

Steam could be used to propel boats. An American inventor by the name Robert Fulton bought the steam engine from Boulton and Watt. Boulton and Watt where not the original inventors of the engine, they did modify it to make it more fuel efficient, he also found a way to make it work faster. Mathew Boulton was the entrepreneur, who paid watt a salary and encouraged him to keep making better engines. Robert Fultons steam boat named the Clermont , ferried passangers up and down the hudson river. In england the steam boat really helped with transportation of goods. With human made water ways through out England, this slashed the cost of importing goods. This made a huge impact on life during the industrialization period because you could now boat up stream, against currents and you did not have to rely on the wind to get you to where you needed to go. This also created big cities in port towns and on water ways, the boats would carry you to these ports and people would not want to leave the big cities, and the cities kept getting bigger.

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