Sunday, February 13, 2011

Abolition of Slavery!!

William Wilberforce, who was a highly religious man, was a member of Parliament who led the fight for abolition to end slave trade and slavery in the British Empire. Parliament passed a bill to end the slave trade in the British West Indies in 1807. After William retired from Parliament in 1825, He continued to fight to free the slaves. In 1833 Britain finally abolished slavery.
Britain's antislavery activists had mixed motives. some are morally against slavery, others viewed slavery as an economic threat, soon a new class of industry took hold where they wanted cheap labor rather than slave labor.
I am in favor of this reform. I believe in the freedom of everyone. This reform getting rid of slavery is morally right and would also boost the economy because more jobs are being paid letting more people buy more goods. I am glad that Britain made this reform, there is no room for slavery and oppression of a nations people on this earth.

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