Monday, February 7, 2011

Chapter 9 Introduction!

Welcome to The Chapter 9: The Industrial Revolution. This blog is about The Industrial Revolution, and how it affected life then, and how it affects our lives today!
Chapter 9 is all about how it urbanized many cities. This chapter also highlights a few inventions that made working in textiles a lot easier, faster and more efficient, creating more goods, making them more affordable to the new middle class. Many machines rapidly replaced human labor, this era of factory growth is known as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution initially began in England and spread elsewhere. The factory system changed the way people lived, and produced some new problems. The Industrial Revolution also led to some reforms in politics.
With this blog, I am expecting to get more out of this chapter, I will be able to learn more than just taking notes because I am actually reflecting and posting information that will be beneficial to my learning experience.

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