Thursday, February 10, 2011


Facebook is a recent invention that has revolutionized social networking. Facebook helps you connect with your peers about day to day happenings, helps you connect with old friends, or even meet knew friends. Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg, initially Facebook was to be used by college students so that they could hook up and study or plan places to hang out with each other. Facebook has changed the world, with over 500 million active users, with users spending over 700 billion minuets per month on the site. After being based from a college dorm in Harvard in 2004, it has grown to be one of the most popular websites on the internet. Facebook has created a ton of buzz, but many controlling governments believe that if they shut down Facebook and the media in they're country, they can control the people with better ease. Like in Egypt, the social networking site and the internet have been shut down due to the recent turmoil creating large protests in the nations capital, which where started through a Facebook posting encouraging the citizens to go out an protest against Mubarak.

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