Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Textile Industry

The Flying shuttle was a boat shaped piece of wood, which yarn was attached, this Flying shuttle doubled the amount of work a weaver could do in a day. The spinners could not keep up with the new speedy weavers because of the new Shuttle. A cash prize was introduced to inventors to produce a better, faster spinning machine. James Hargraves, a textile worker came up with the invention called the spinning jenny. the spinning jenny was named after his daughter. The spinning Jenny was able to work 8 threads at a time. When the spinning jenny was first being used, it was being used by hand by the textile workers. but later Richard Awkwright invented the water frame in 1769. The machine used water-power from rapid streams to power the spinning wheel. The spinning jenny changed the world because you could make cloths at a faster rate, increasing the supply and lowering the price, making them easier for the middle class to buy.

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